* Please be sure to always give author credit when posting quotes 🙂
“I refuse to get any more scars from loving edges sharp enough to cut me.” – Dissent
“And I guess, at the end of the day, when you fall in love with a bad boy, you can’t really be mad when they end up doing bad things to you.” – The Stars Landing Deviant
“I no longer needed to fuck her as hard as I hated myself.” – Dissent
“The waking up was the worst. That slow, growing realization that you lived through it. That you were awake to go through it again. That your body was stronger than you thought. That there was so much more to be endured.” – Dark Mysteries
“Every man was darlin’ or honey or love. Every man was a sweet, sweet nothing.” – For A Good Time, Call…
“Being inside her was like prayer. It was worship. It was the closest to God I had ever been.” – Dissent
“I want pussy,” I said, looking down at her, “I go get some pussy. I don’t stare at it through a fuckin’ computer screen. I get my fingers and cock inside a real one. And maybe, if it’s real sweet, I’ll get my tongue in it too.” – Monster
”At the time, though, I had no idea what a bitter kind of misery came along with real happiness.” – Dr. Chase Hudson
”Maybe I kept another black mark from getting etched on his soul. By etching it on mine instead. And, somehow, I was okay with that.” – Reign
““Women don’t trade pussy for kindness,” he started. “Thinking you’re owed something for not being an asshole, makes you an asshole. She ain’t a bitch ‘cause she doesn’t want your dick, but you sure as fuck are a dick for calling her a bitch just because she has some standards that you obviously don’t meet.” – Killer
“I’ve had just about enough of your monosyllabic bullshit. I know you like to hide behind it and just shrug and go ‘just how I am.’ But I think that’s cheap. I think you do it so you don’t have to let anyone in. But I’m over it. Oh, and while we’re on the topic of your linguistic skills, or complete lack thereof, ‘woman’ is not a complete sentence. You seem to think it relays some deeper meaning, but, newsflash, it doesn’t. You’re going to have to start using actual sentences with subjects and verbs. You get extra points for a good adjective or adverb here and there.” – Wolf
“I could have accepted that. I would have taken any tiny scrap he fed to me. I would have made a fucking feast of it. But, no, he had chosen to starve me instead.” – For A Good Time, Call…
“The grief that was so strong it shook like continental shifts, dividing what was now from what was, forcing me to acknowledge that I was going to have to build a life on foreign soil.” – The Stars Landing Deviant
“No, I’m not going to listen. I am going to take the rest of your clothes off and bury my face in your pussy until you are screaming so loud you forget all about being in this pissy ass mood.” – The Sex Surrogate
“But please refrain from torturing me with your asinine male chauvinistic ramblings first. Having tits doesn’t negate having a fucking brain, you idiot.” – Monster
“He had showed me some of his damage and he was ashamed of that. Little did he know, I wasn’t someone who could judge. So what if he had anger issues? I had ripping myself open issues, and alcohol issues, and daddy issues, and brother issues, and grandmother issues. I was the Long Island iced tea of damage: everything, but iced tea included.” – For A Good Time, Call…
“Sometimes love didn’t spring up on you in a moment of blinding clarity. Sometimes it crept up on you on a Tuesday night while you were standing at the sink doing dishes, the feeling settling into your soul in a way that made it too heavy to ignore anymore.” – Monster
”My gaze lifted and found his. Fierce. Mean enough to stare my demons down.” – Reign
“Do you have any idea what men would do to possess beauty like this?” he asked, shaking his head. “And, here I am, holding it.” – The Sex Surrogate
“Give me something, Wolf. Give me anything! I refuse to fall in love with a padlock heart. I am not the kind of woman who will spend her life sifting through boxes of forgotten keys, praying she finds the one that will unlock you. Let me in… or let me go.” – Wolf
““Women don’t trade pussy for kindness,” he started. “Thinking you’re owed something for not being an asshole, makes you an asshole. She ain’t a bitch ‘cause she doesn’t want your dick, but you sure as fuck are a dick for calling her a bitch just because she has some standards that you obviously don’t meet.” – Killer